Generator Robotic Inspection Services
Generator Inspection Budget or Timeline Getting Squeezed?
AGTServices’ experience in testing, inspecting and repairing generators of all makes and sizes has shown that regular inspection intervals, whether “major” (field out) or “minor” (field in), are of critical importance to long, reliable service life.
The fleet of gas turbine and combined cycle units built during the “bubble” is approaching or, in many cases, has surpassed the 20 year mark. Coupled with severe cycling duty, these units are suffering from many of the same issues as their older fossil fleet cousins, but at an earlier age. And those older fossil units are now being operated as “peakers”, significantly increasing their start/stop frequency, and increasing the differential thermal stresses imposed on them.
Including robotic inspection to your maintenance intervals can offer significant insight as to the health and reliability of your machine BEFORE age or duty negatively impacts performance and service life, all while offsetting the cost of major disassembly and reassembly typically required.

Generator Robotic Inspection Offering:
- Best-in-class visual inspection utilizing FOUR (4) high resolution video cameras
- Single or dual docking station(s) for outage scope flexibility and cost management
- Optional Core iron insulation testing of the main stator core inside diameter
- Optional wedge tapping with acoustic recording for validation of loose conditions
- Optional Step Iron core insulation testing capability, the ONLY system available
- Optional in-situ Retaining Ring NDE using the same docking station = less time/cost
- Can be coordinated in conjunction with routine stator and field electrical testing
- Flexible inspection/testing options to minimize duration and maximize information
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